islenska 04.07.06 ______everyonE iS a Queen`*
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Pamela here... 19 years age.. Attached with my beloved cliffy... Like my blogskin,i have found my king...And every gal is a queen of someone... Currently studying in Ngee Ann.. Chinese studies.. I love heels,chocolate,and everything a gal will love!!!


qiaolin | peijun | yiting | toon kit | mavis | karmene | mr mango | Kelli | Janice :) |


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Speak To Me

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June 2006
July 2006
September 2006
October 2006
March 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007

lalalla.... i am stil figuring out how to upload pictures to my blog!!1 aj... but i asking now.

Today was a painful and boring day for me because it's a Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which means Monday BLUE!!!!!!!!!!! I need to drag myself off my cosy little bed.When i get down i was freezing like nobody buiness!!! AH!!!!!! It's a orture to wake up early in the morning at 6am for people like me. Back in Singapore, i used to wake up around noon! But now? O my god!!!!! Kill me........ But stil we have to get to class and attend our 1st lesson our second week here. I am dozing off in class and the meat ball aka jun was also sleeping. haha........ But i must say the lesson was fun, Philosophy. I know more anout china's philosophy now and it's totally different from the west.

The best part of the day was i spilled my whole cup of coffee early in the morning and it means TABOO to me! haha.... We whe for lunch outside sch. The food is nice but the other customer in the stall was horrible. They are china ah beng. ARGH!! they talk like they are quarreling, they shout like they never shout before! They don't have manners! They ask the lady boss to speed up and ask her not to care about our orders..... Are they that hungry? 7 month is not here yet! please, they are just like hungry ghost. They even threaten the boss that if she don't speed up, they will just leave without paying up. I though china is slowly opening up, but with this ind of people i think is hard. They really spoilt the image of china. We ordered 8 dishes include 2 big bowl of soup! It cost only 54 ren ming bi, so it cost around S$10 which means we only have to pay S$2 per person. wuhahaha.......

okok... i need to stop here, because i need to write testi for my loved cliff. haha.. his birthday today.

Queen` @* 10:03 PM

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Sorry for the long-time never blog thingy. But now, i have decided to blog back!!!

Guess what?? I am in China now for my stu trip. The day have finally arrived and i am still alive and kicking. So don't worry!!! I have been here for 1 week or so. Last friday, i have update my blog but due to the stupid internet connection here, i failed to publish it.I promised i will write a quick summary of the past1 wseek but not in this entry!

Haha....And i need to sign up a photobuket account to update all the beautiful picture that i have took here with all my buddies,... hehe... The reason being........ I FORGET MY OLD PHOTOBUCKET ACCOUNT PASSSWORD!!!.

haha...can't stand myself! Yesterday was a short day for us because we only have "self-study" lesson til 11. So after that we all went shopping!!! The stuff and food in China was Real Chaep. For example: one big bowl of porridge coast S$ 0.40. Can you imagie??? I was telling jun they all that when we are back at Singapore, we will find everything expensive and start or calculatiom. O my god. Moreover , it srems like their salt and oil here is FOC!!!! The food here is very very extreme salty that it willl make me drop hair!! wuhaha...

okok.. Anyway, before we head to town, all of us (jun,me,carmen,jin,jan) went to do manicure!!
It was very nice andthe skills and design can be comparatable to Singapore! It was damn cheap. All of us do fake nails andnwith alots of design!! i will upload the picture very soon and with all our design, it will cost around S$80 to S$100. But it cost 80 to 100 ren ming bihere, Which is equal to S$ 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We head town and we went to thid place which is simliar to Bugis and Fareast. It is a combination of Bugis and far east!! And the stuff there was damn cheap and we need to get out of there to stop outself from buying anymore!!

The big thing that happen to me was i received FAKECHINANOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okok... i will continue this entry when i come back. hehe.

Queen` @* 11:35 AM

Sunday, October 08, 2006

BABY.. i miss you badly. Faster come back!!!!!

Am waiting for you!!!

Love you...

Queen` @* 11:55 PM

o my god!!! i gave my brother a *nagging+scolding session* just now. I have never done that to my brother before in my entire 19 years of life. Which means that i am really angry for he things he should do and should not do!!!

Why can't he just stick his butt on his the chair, eyes on books and do the last minutes study for his upcoming O level which is just 3weeks away??? How come til now he still don't know how to think for his future. I know is very hard to concentrate and stay focus. Like when i am doing project, i will slack and walk around the house not wanting to face my project. I really understand how he feel, but at the end of the day you still need to get things done!

I know some people may think that O level = no big deal but to mi IT IS and i want my brother to do well. I want him to have no regrets and chose what he want to study after that. His path and his future,but yet he is still slacking around,sms his gf,play games. He done everything except study. I advice him as i sister and a person who have been through this O level *period*. I know it is very tough and require alot of determination and focus. BUt yet these are he lack! I really can't stand the sight of him doing what he should not do so i gave him a good scolding to wake him up!!!

Haiz... I just don't understand how did he end up becoming like this! ARGH!!! Is it because of his realtionship? OR something else? Or he don't dare to face it? IS he afraid or toonervour or don't know how he should start his study? I have been holding myself back and keep telling myself to relax, not to scold him. I always believed that my brother will know how to handle thing and managed his studies well. But what i saw was totally opposite of what he said!!! My brother was a smart kid since he was young and never have problem handling his studies. So my parents wa very proud and was not worried for him. On the other hand, i am the one who is having tution since i was primary 3 and my results was all RED. This is the reason why my parents don't pin high hopes on me. Honestly , i Am very proud to have a brother like him, because he is very undertsanding and never let us down on his studies. But this time round, the things he do really make me disappointed. Haiz... He should be preparing for his Os by now but what have he done? NOTHING!!!!! He i very sensible but i don't hy this time round he can't think!

Another thing is i am not very happy with his gal. She call every now and then. When my brother never reply her, she call. When my brother came back home from school , she called. When he is eating, she call. In the morning, she call. When my brother was doing homework,shecall.O my god.!!!!!! ARGH!!.. I understandshe miss my brother but this can't be the case!!! My brother need time to study and she know this is the critical period for my brother. I told him to tell his gal that and asked him to managed his time properly. It is normal for their age to fall in love, we have been through this stage before but not like this!!!!! My parents and my grandmother haveknow about them. I told him that don't ever give my parents and grandmother the chance to say:" see, i told you not to go into relationship. Look at your O level result, this is what you have done!! Badly. Because of your reationship, you lose focus". This is what i don't want to heard from them if something was to happen. I told him all this. All i want from him is to focus on what he should now and leave everything after his O. After his O level, he want to talk,sms,play game for the whole day, no one will stop him. I tols him that my parents never request or require him to scold how many As, but what they want for their son was toscore well and get what he want. I told him this:" just do your best, don't leave regrets and blame yourself for not doing well or prepare earlier for your Os at the end of the day. The future is yours, no one can decide for you. I know you have heard this word alot of time but still i must say. Chose the course or the JC you want and don't let *them* chose you! Don't give youself the chance to regret!"

As a sister, i have said and done all i should. I can only help him in geo and ss. This is all i can do on the behalf on my parents and as a sister. Hope he understand and give his best shot through this difficult period. The whole family want the best for him and we are all behind him!

Queen` @* 11:18 PM

Wuhaha... As everyone who have noticed, i have successfully changed my blogskin!! Haha... This must credit jan jan for guiding m along the way. Thanz babe!!!!!

okok.... I miss cliff very very very very very very very very very much!!!!! He is away on a trip to KL for shopping purpose since last thursday. Sobsob.... Actually is a 3days 2 night trip but he extended it because leonard cousin wants to bring them to watched car racing. He love car!! haha.. So they stay for another 2 days... AH!!! Finally, he will be back tomorrow!!!! yeah!!! But i still miss him badly these few days. *shy* wei wei wei.. No choice ma...haha... He went with leonard n leonard's gf.. Can you imagine? That means he i sort of like *gooseberry* and they are satying in the same room!Haiz.. Felt so bad. If i can go, then at least i am there for him and he is not alone with them. Am really not a good gal because i felt that every time he nedds me, i am not by his side. When his good friend met with an car accident and passed away, he is very depressed and sad.But i can't accompany him to the funeral, i know he wnt me there but on that day my parents *take leave* and we went out. Haiz...........

Actually they have planned to go for a short hoilday for a long time but only till last week then finalise. The sad part was.. I CANNO ACCOMPANY CLIFF!!!! ARGH!!! I am so sad and really feel very bad because he wanted me to go too. And i wanted TO GO badly!! BUt i can't. To me it was as good as disappointing him and i really feel very bad and sorry too. I hint and asked my parents many many time saying that i want to go on a short trip togenting with my friend to relax but they wont allow. Haiz... i wonder when is the time i can be on my own on a trip with my friends and cliff? I know he is sad and disappointed that i can't go with him. I fely very helpless and can't fiure out what i can do to make him feel better. He sms me a ew time when he is in KL and i am glad that he is enjoying himself... hehe..

I hope i can go with him on the next hoilday if they are palnning to go anywhere for a short hoilday. Love you baby!

Queen` @* 10:50 PM

Friday, September 29, 2006

Just came across someone's blog today and the topic that person discuss this time round was "good looks buys you a date". Hmm.. i read the blog ,did some thinking and I found that is quite true.. When 2 strangers meet up, the 1st thing both party take into consideration was LOOKS!! Or some thoughts in their mind????

Eg: "o my, he/she look different from his/her friendster pic"
"o my!! he/she look much "bigger" in real life!"

Haiz..... this is how realistic this society is. Maybe some good souls don't agree that looks is that important during the 1st meet up. Character and the way the person carry themself is important! But miand cliff got discuss this topic b4, so what i found out was it's the man's ego that is making them this way! Guys!! hmmm.....

Nothing much to say, don't feel good today....

Queen` @* 11:18 PM

Thursday, September 14, 2006

wuhahah... okok..... Although yesterday i sleep the whole day, BUT is a very romantic and relax day for me.

Why????? haha... The reason is................. "drum roll" tata....... i went to cliff hse yesterday and all we did was SLEEP. Haha... Because the both of us didn't sleep that night before so the both of us was real tired. Lalalalalalalala.... *shy*..... I didn't know he did not sleep also till he message me 9 plus in the morning. Haha...... Then at that point of time i suddenly felt very sweet.. Wuhaha.. Don't ask me why , i also don't know how to explain where the sweetness come from... haha... lalalalala... So i reply him and we decided to eat breakfast outside his house coffee shop!!!!!! The malay shop where we had our breakfast was related to his lifestyle very closely,because his parents used to bring him there since he was a kid.Here come the main point!! I felt that i know him and his life better!!!! lalalalalaalala.... He told me alot of things about his past and everything. I really feel that communication is one of the key factor in a realtionship!!

After our breakfast we head back to his house and.................... his father was at home!!! AH!!!!!!Haha... I was so nervous because that was the first time i saw his father face to face!!!! Can you imagine how nervous and lost i am? Luckily, his father was ok and was busy doing gardening. iI said:" Hi uncle" . Haha... I realised that every father have their so-called "father looked". Hmmm......... Cliff and i chat and we talked about lots of things. Think we chatted for quite long and we decided to take a NAP! BUt who knows, we slept from 2 plus tilll 8 plus at night! Haha...

The sweet part was he was beside me and i was by his side. I mean saying goodnight everyday and u can only imagine how he look when he was sleeping or what is the feeling having him sleeping by ur side. haha.. Yesterday i really experinece it and the only thing i can say is sweet and very secure!

Although the only thing we do was sleeping, having your love one by your side is enough and is everything to you. Really very secure and relax! i find that the things couple do is very linited in SINGAPORE! THe reason being is too small here and the places we go is also very limited.

List of places and things couple do:

  1. shop in town (orchard, cine,bugis etc..)
  2. watched movie (plaza sin, town etc...)
  3. eat lunch or dinner and the programme after that was either to catch a movie or just hang around
  4. If both of them have the same interest, then they can shop for the things they like or do the activities they like
  5. Hang out with a group of friends
  6. Go to places that they haven't been to (eg. haven't been to the beach or some places with he/she)
  7. Club together??
  8. For those "sports-enthu" couple, they will engaged in their fav.sports together ( this apply to different "type" of couple as some have their own interest and lifestyle)
  9. Play game?
  10. hmm..................... supper??

Haha.. i really can't think of any. I feel that with him/her around, doin or not doing anything dosen't matter. MOst importantly is do both of you find that you have spend your time meaningfully. And the word "meaningful" means differently to every couple. For me, doing nothing just sleep and be by cliff side is already very meaningful to me because i can spend the whole day with him and is just that simple. haha.. Actually, going out and enjoy with your love one is also veri fun, but sometimes having some quiet moment just for the 2 of you is also very important. Both of you just quiet down and talk about things you want is a very comfortable and loving activities for couples!!!!!!!

Queen` @* 10:31 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Firstly, sorry for the broken and low standard of english i used.. haha.... C5 for my O level English.. Haiz.. haha...

First day of work as telemarketer for prudential. Hmm.. how should i put it?? Nervous plus i felt that i am not suitable for this job. okok.... The neither the pay nor the working hours are the problem, but maybe is me which is thr problem. Wokin time:4 to 9, Pay: $6 per hrs, Actually is not bad and is quite relax too, but the problem with me was i can't bring myself to dial a phone number which belongs to a male client!!! AH!! Don't ask me why because i don't knoe the answer either. Maybe is has got to do with my character or my thinking. Ir is a thing that i need to overcome, if not i don't think i can carry on with this job.. haiz.. lalala.. haha....

Queen` @* 2:45 AM

Sunday, September 03, 2006

okok.... next!!! So i though he wanted to end the relationship or what because he really scare me!! For the things he said la... hmmm.... But everything was ok now... So there was an outing!!

We wanto to v'llage to eat after our lit test! Best part was cliff come along too.. wuhaha.. I was so happy... Why? hehe.. Because i can introduced him to all my sistaz and to let him know what are my friends like. I feel that is very important for a couple to know who they are mixing with and of cos, mine areall lovely ppl!!wuhaha.. For the st time cliff met my butch of frenz... everything was ok.. haha... And he saw Janice.. lalalalalala........ We stil make fun of her saying that Leonard never come. Wuhaha.. Overall the outing was fun and we went to walk walk. After that we spilt and we go off 1st... To where ar(secret) lalalala.....

okok... back to the topic i wanted to say.. I really find that is important to know ur their friend.. Why?? Hmmm.. i find that you will have a better understanding of him/her as in how is he/she like in when he/she is with their frenz... There ae some guys/girls behaved differently when they are with their gf/bf.. Some will even become a totally different person! o my god!! Is there a need? i though that who you are is who you are! No need to pretend or whatsoever... Isn't it tiring to act as a different person all the time ? Mi and cliff have discussed thia topic before and we find these type of person very faked!!!! What are they thinking.. I can understand that they wanted to potrate a better image when they are with their gd/bf but i think the correct thing to do was to let them know who are you, not who you are not... so take it or leave it!! If your guy/girl can't tolerate who you are, it means that you are not suitable for each other.

Trust me, probelms will start to surface not long after. Why? Because you will be tired of the "one" you are trying to be to pleased another party. Eventually you will start to ask yourself"What am i doing" Trust me.. It will happened!! So why pretend to be someone you are not to pleased another party and not finding another soul who love you for who you are! Isn't this better and comfortable. I myself have dry skin. Imagine a girl having dry skin, which means that the texture of my skin will be rough!I admit that i do feel uneasy about my skin, but what to do, i have to leave with it. Hey... i have been living with it for a whole 19 yrs.. haha... I am still who i am!! lalalalala

Before me and cliff start, he notice that my skin is sort of unusual。So i just tell him frankly about my skin condition. In my mind i was thinking, if he really mind then 4get it. But he don't mind!! haha.....I have asked him before and his answer was"i love who you are, not something that you don't have" him... But i must say sorry to him cause of my skin. Not every guy can accept the fact that their gf skin is rough like don't know what! haha.. This is appearence i would say.. Just show who you are, if not he relationship will have loads of problems

Queen` @* 1:47 AM

wuhaha... a billion n zillion sorry!! hehe... havenot been writing up new entry since..........hmm.... i also don't know how long was that .. haha.. anyway... have alot of things to say...

okok... lets start with something more emotional ba... hey... love is a thing that is wonderful and not whether you are not good for that person or that person is too good for you!!! No such things!! (this is a message that i want to tell cliff ngiam!!) how come we are together in the 1st place? how come i will accept you? and how come you will chose me?? Normally, these are the question aked by either party in a relationship. Why? It's just because they are curious...Both parties need the other party to assure them of "something". Love is a important element in a relationship + chemistry+faith+trust...etc... So is not you are not suitable for me or whatsoever!!! Before you get into a relationship with someone, you muz hab that chemistry and LOVE there isn't...
Also, the basic understand of that person past and everything... I know by now i can't say i understand you fully.. but at least i can say HALF.... I know about your past and everything but i don't mind! I know how is your lifestyle like and what type of person are you!! But i didn't say i mind your lifestyle or whatsoever.. Because from the day i know you, i know your lifestyle is the way it is!! And if i mind, i will juz disappear and we are game over.. But i didn't.. Got it? Is just that simple.. Now i am with you means i accept everything and who you are... Plus, i know what i am facing with.. GOt it?? I don't mind at all.. So stop saying you don't suit my lifestyle........ We won't be what we are now if you say don't suit.. isn't it??

Argh!!!! this happened last week i think.. some misunerstanding happened between me and cliff... Just want to say that problems faced in relationship need to be overcome by the both of you... This is what the both of us think!! hehe.. lalala...

Queen` @* 1:29 AM